Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Medical Advice

OK, so I need a little help. Monday night I was hit hard with a stomach virus (I'll spare you the details). So, I had to miss work yesterday (I lost 5 pounds and got to sleep all day, so 2 good things came out of it!) :) Late in the afternoon the daycare called to tell me that Eli had a rash on his face, diarrhea and a barking cough...I have yet to hear the barking cough, but he has had diarrhea and the rash on his face. They "diagnosed" him as having Fifths Disease (who knew the daycare could diagnose medical conditions?)...I looked it up, but I'm not convinced that's what it is. His little cheeks and chin do looked chapped, but he's getting a tooth (that's almost through) and he slobbers all over, so I'm attributing it to that. And, it's cold outside, so his cheeks could just be wind chapped...He doesn't have a rash anywhere else on his body. So if you can give me a little insight on you know about Fifths disease - or what might cause diarrhea and flushed cheeks, let me know. His 6 mo. appt is Monday...

1 comment:

kristin said...

I couldn't help you out except to tell you to look on and you can put in symptoms and it may tell you or go to I have done this several times. Glad your feeling better! Poor Eli!